Immediate Impact

The first years of life prepare kids to enter school with the cognitive and social-emotional skills they need to become successful learners.


Investments in early childhood initiatives help support working families today, and develop a strong workforce for the future. When all children have access to quality early care and education, everyone benefits – the kids themselves, families, employers, and entire communities. 

The benefits of quality child care and education extend well beyond the children.

Since 2019, SOCI has impacted 270 children and their working caregivers and invested more than $700,000 in the Kansas City early learning community.

Instant Benefits

For Kids

Safe child-care environment

80% of a child’s neural connections are in place by age 3. Early stress and deprivation can permanently stunt development. A safe child-care environment promotes healthy cognitive and social-emotional growth.

For Parents

Affordable, reliable child care

63% of working parents reported improved productivity with access to quality child care. Affordable, reliable child care reduces job turnover and employee absences, allowing parents to pursue career and educational goals.

For Communities

Spend less time and money

When kids reach kindergarten ready to learn, teachers and schools spend less time and money on academic remediation and behavioral interventions, improving  outcomes for everyone.

For Employers

Fewer absences and turnovers

Access to reliable child care reduces employee absences by as much as 30%. Employee turnover is up to 60% lower. Working parents who know their children are in nurturing environments are less stressed and more efficient on the job.

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